

  • To offer a pleasurable, engaging reading experience that is wholesome and inspirational.
  • To support a biblical worldview, whether explicitly or implicitly.
  • To not only entertain but also edify readers both intellectually and spiritually.
  • To offer stories that are fresh and new, not clichéd or formulaic.
  • To maintain high standards of excellence in craft and overall quality.


While these serve as guiding principles for fiction published by Summerside Press™, books will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Questionable content that is central to the progression of the story might be tolerated, but gratuitous content is subject to omission or revision.

  • Realistic: The novel does not sacrifice realism in order to tell a feel-good tale. Characters speak, think, and act naturally; relationships feel realistic and authentic; settings are accurately depicted; and plotlines are believable.
  • Relevant: The novel engages and relates to readers, so that its message is applicable and meaningful. The novel is not afraid to honestly depict some of the real issues people face in this world, explore moral gray areas, or tackle themes of sin and redemption, but it does so from a biblical perspective in which God’s truth prevails. It does not sugarcoat the struggles of the Christian faith, but it does not engage in wanton depictions of sinful lifestyles.
  • Wholesome: The novel is free of offensive language and gratuitous descriptions of sex and violence. The novel may acknowledge that the physical aspect of romantic love is designed by God to enhance intimacy between a man and a woman, but references to sexual relations are not explicit. Furthermore, they either: 1) take place within a marital relationship, or 2) reflect the consequences of extramarital sexual relations from a biblical standpoint.
  • Positive: The novel is constructive and affirming. It ends on a note of hope and optimism. The story conveys a positive view of both romantic love and Christianity, but without becoming preachy, trite, or unrealistic.


Agented queries should be directed to:

Rachel Meisel
Editorial Director, Fiction
Summerside Press™
rachel @ summersidepress . com

Agents: We would prefer “from scratch” proposals designed specifically for our project. (Please do not send existing manuscripts that have not been modified for the Love Finds You™ series.) Submissions must include: a brief (1-paragraph) overview of the novel, a long (2-3 page) synopsis, and at least three sample chapters. Please submit proposals in a single Word document and e-mail as an attachment to Rachel Meisel.

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